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Provincia di Arezzo
Provincia di Siena
Regione ToscanaServizio Turismo - Provincia di ArezzoApt Chianciano Terme Val di Chiana
  What you can find:
Accommodation / Where to Sleep Accommodation / Where to Sleep


Civitella in Val di Chiana

Bicycle Assistance Point Bicycle Assistance Point

Sports associations Sports associations


Other than the companies we have mentioned, there are several groups of bike-lovers in the area. However, these do not have a legal status and, in most cases, they refer to the abovementioned sports associations.

Civitella in Val di Chiana

Pharmacy Pharmacy

Interest Points

16Hand-Built Waterways
[pdf 1.2 MB]

17The Bridges of Arezzo
[pdf 1.2 MB]

18The “Nave” Bridge and Harbor
[pdf 1.2 MB]

19The Monk’s Lock
[pdf 1.2 MB]

Material to download Material to download

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The Municipalities concerned by the itinerary


Civitella in Val di Chiana

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