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Provincia di Arezzo
Provincia di Siena
Regione ToscanaServizio Turismo - Provincia di ArezzoApt Chianciano Terme Val di Chiana
  What you can find:
Accommodation / Where to Sleep Accommodation / Where to Sleep


Civitella in Val di Chiana

Bicycle Assistance Point Bicycle Assistance Point

Sports associations Sports associations


Civitella in Val di Chiana

Pharmacy Pharmacy

Interest Points

16Hand-Built Waterways
[pdf 1.2 MB]

17The Bridges of Arezzo
[pdf 1.2 MB]

18The “Nave” Bridge and Harbor
[pdf 1.2 MB]

19The Monk’s Lock
[pdf 1.2 MB]

Material to download Material to download

Download maps

Itinerary- map side [Format pdf 608 KB]

Itinerary – texts side [Format pdf 870 KB]

Download the GPS coordinates

The Municipalities concerned by the itinerary


Civitella in Val di Chiana

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Open map - Miniatura mappa

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 Open legend